December 3, 2011

Just Because....

Just because I love them . . . . . . . . . and Mom's been bugging me to get these done for over a year now =)

I spent two days knitting slippers for the children.

These are for Sophia - They are very girly. I got the pattern HERE. Once I got to the toe part I switched to DPN so there would be only one seam on the heal.

And these are for Nate. I have to say that Nate's turned out better than Sophia's but she likes them so they'll do until she grows out of them. I used THIS pattern for Nate's. I really didn't follow the pattern, but made changes where I saw fit. I used the pattern as a base.

And because I said I would share a picture. . . . . . Micah got Lightning McQueen slippers for his birthday but they popped a hole in the seam so I fixed those for him as well.


  1. Those are so cute, Hannah. :) I love Sophia's! I am sure they loved them.

    In Christ,

  2. I love those slippers, they are so cute.


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